Comet Ridge strives to develop resources in an environmentally responsible manner. We conduct all of our activities consistent with sustainable development principles.
Environment Policy
Our environment policy sets out how Comet Ridge and our partners manage our commitment to avoid or minimise the impact on the environment from our activities.
Carbon Emissions
As we move towards supplying clean-burning gas to Australia’s energy system we are playing a role in displacing higher emissions fuels from the energy system. We also recognise our responsibility to minimise emissions from our own activities. We plan and execute all of our activities in a way that maximises their energy efficiency and minimises emissions. Comet Ridge also has controls in place to minimise fugitive emissions from its operations.
Water is a precious resource in Australia. The production of coal seam gas also produces water. We work with land holders and regulators to ensure water produced by our activities is treated, where feasible, so it can be available for productive uses. We manage the impurities from water treatment to safely dispose of it.
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Comet Ridge
ABN 47 106 092 577
Level 12, 410 Queen Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
GPO Box 798
Brisbane, QLD 4001