UWIR Report
ATP 744 – Approved Underground Water Impact Report
Under section 385 of the Water Act 2000 (Water Act), the Department of Environment and Science (DES) has approved with conditions Comet Ridge’s underground water impact report (UWIR) for Authority to Prospect (ATP) 744, located approximately 150km north-east of Barcaldine in central Queensland.
The decision to approve the UWIR has been made following the assessment of the UWIR against the requirements of the Water Act. The UWIR takes effect on 12 July 2023.
Please click on the link below to view the approved ATP 744 UWIR.

A copy of the approved UWIR may be obtained by contacting Comet Ridge by either:
1. Writing to the address below:
Comet Ridge
Brisbane QLD 4001
2. By Phone: +61 7 3221 3661: or
3. Via email at info@cometridge.com.au
in order to arrange a digital copy or hard copy of the approved report to be sent to you.
For more information, please phone 07 3221 3661.

Comet Ridge
ABN 47 106 092 577
Level 12, 410 Queen Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
GPO Box 798
Brisbane, QLD 4001